CRC & Knollwood

SMLC Early Head Start


Tuition Supplement

CRC & Knollwood

Rainbow Riders keeps a waiting list to enroll new families into our programs at Knollwood and CRC sites. When openings become available in a particular age group, we go to our waiting list to fill the spot. Positions are filled based on families’ first date of contact (the date of the waiting list submission) and with consideration of our partnership agreements with Virginia Tech, Virginia Tech College of Engineering, and Virginia Tech Corporate Research Center.

We typically expect openings in January, March, June, August and October. During these transition times, we move some of our currently enrolled children to their next age groups. We draft enrollment for those transition times about 4-6 weeks ahead so we can identify openings in our classrooms. Once those openings are determined, we go to our waiting list database and begin making offers for enrollment.

Families are invited to tour the site, meet the teachers, and ask questions. Once the enrollment slot is accepted, welcoming visits are scheduled before children start. We want children to feel safe and secure as they make their transition into the program. Names are removed from the waiting list if families do not respond to emails or phone calls.

Explore CRC
Explore Knollwood
We see Rainbow Riders as an extension of our family when it comes to raising our sons – we couldn’t do it without them. They take the time to learn each of my sons individual needs. They are truly amazing! Melanie and Greg Harrell

SMLC Early Head Start

In 2016, Rainbow Riders partnered with TAP Head Start to open an Early Head Start Partnership program. The program is located in the Education wing of St. Michael Lutheran Church (SMLC). Early Head Start is a federally funded and community-based program that provides full-time care for children ages 6 weeks to 3 years old. There is a separate waiting list for this program that has qualification requirements that include income eligibility and parent(s) must be in school or working full-time. Download, fill out, and return the pre-application form or apply online.

Explore SMLC


Rainbow Riders tuition costs vary by age range and program type and change annually. Rainbow Riders will provide the enrollment costs for each child at the time that an enrollment space is available for your child. Below are highlights of the tuition schedule and payment options.

  • Tuition is due on the 1st of each month OR semi-monthly payments can be made on the 1st & 16th of each month. Weekly payments are accepted for school age summer programs, but monthly payments are preferred.
  • Tuition payments can be paid by personal check, money order, exact cash, or online with a debit or credit card, processing fees will be added.
  • There are no reductions in fees, refunds, or credits for days missed for illness, vacation, days Rainbow Riders is closed for planned days such as professional development days, holiday breaks, weather, or absences recommended by the health department or government agency. This includes absences or closures caused by local or national emergencies and pandemics. Families may not attend if it is recommended that your family is quarantined, and tuition will not be reimbursed.
  • Rainbow Riders increases tuition costs every September.
  • Registration fees are due annually and are non-refundable. Each Spring, families will be required to register for the Summer and Fall Programs. The registration fees for infants through preschoolers are $25.00 for the Summer Program and $50.00 for the Fall Program. For our school-age programs, Summer Program registration fee is $50.00 and school year program is $25.00.
  • LATE PICK UP: A late fee of $1/minute will be billed to the child’s account when not picked up by 5:45 PM.
  • More details on the Tuition at a Glance form.

Rainbow Riders is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

 Download Rainbow Riders Tuition at a Glance

Tuition Supplement Program

Rainbow Riders offers families scholarship opportunities with the Tuition Supplement Program (TSP). The PTA supports this program that enables families determined to be most in need to pay a reduced tuition fee each month. Applications are due in the summer with commitments for the next school year announced in early August.

Waiting List